Ted Hull Consulting FYI

Board Priorities and Policy Governance

December 15th, 2016

Your legal counsel has challenged you with the question: Has your board identified its priorities?

Do you know what these priorities are?  Your board has a huge responsibility. How is a board member supposed to keep track of everything that goes on within an organization when the job is a part time, and possibly volunteer position?

Let’s break it down. How much time does your board have to do the work? Then list its priorities based on the amount of time available from the areas of greatest importance to those which are less critical. For example your board may decide that it should place a high priority on legal compliance, fiduciary responsibilities and then work its way down to those areas which are not so critical until it has exhausted the time available. Details such as matters of board meeting decorum, board manuals and board education, while important, may not be deemed to have the same level of concern as legalities. Discovering that Robert’s Rules of Order has not been followed to the letter may be deemed as having less consequence than missed filings which could result in your organization losing its charitable status.

To do this effectively will require a hierarchical list. But where does the list end? And more important, will the list end before all the critical items have been adequately addressed? How does the board even know if the right issues have been covered? This assumes that it even knows what the right issues are.  Should it be a board priority to make sure the snow is cleared from the front entrance of the office?  Of course not – until someone slips and hits their head on the cement and your organization is sued for millions because the victim of the fall is incapacitated for life.   Making such decisions can be quite overwhelming.

A simpler way is to reduce all the responsibilities of your board down to one sentence.

A board’s responsibility, to those on whose behalf it governs is to see that the organization achieves appropriate results for the appropriate people at an appropriate cost and that it avoids unacceptable actions and situations. Restated, a board needs to make sure what should happen, happens and what shouldn’t happen doesn’t happen.

So how can that be done? Instead of listing your board’s values and priorities hierarchically, the Policy Governance® model describes them as a series of nested mixing bowls. The largest “policy bowl” encompasses all the values and priorities.  Each additional level of detail is nested inside the largest and broadest policy.  Paraphrasing John Carver, in this way a board can keep its arms around the organization without having its fingers in it.

To operate this way, a board will need to unambiguously delegate some of its responsibilities to its CEO. Once it has clearly defined what authority has been delegated, it needs to formally monitor the CEO to ensure compliance. Of course it may choose to retain authority for certain areas and not delegate them to the CEO.  

Now that your board has wrapped its collective arms around the largest bowl containing the macro organizational expectations as well as the legal and ethical boundaries, it needs to specifically decide how detailed its expectations for results and restrictions are.

Many boards have already done this by implementing the Policy Governance® system. If your board needs help with implementation or applying Policy Governance®, please call us. We’re here to help.

You can forget about that seemingly endless list of board priorities along with the equally endless board meetings. Your board can govern with effectiveness and excellence.

Policy Governance® is an internationally registered service mark of John Carver. Registration is only to ensure accurate description of the model rather than for financial gain. The model is available free to all with no royalties or licence fees for its use. The authoritative website for Policy Governance is www.carvergovernance.com.

  • The Pros and Cons of Negative Language in Policy Governance
October 16th, 2018
You love Policy Governance®, except for that negative language requirement. Why can’t one just tell the CEO how to do something? .....
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Ted Hull Consulting FYI

Board Priorities and Policy Governance

December 15th, 2016

Your legal counsel has challenged you with the question: Has your board identified its priorities?

Do you know what these priorities are?  Your board has a huge responsibility. How is a board member supposed to keep track of everything that goes on within an organization when the job is a part time, and possibly volunteer position?

Let’s break it down. How much time does your board have to do the work? Then list its priorities based on the amount of time available from the areas of greatest importance to those which are less critical. For example your board may decide that it should place a high priority on legal compliance, fiduciary responsibilities and then work its way down to those areas which are not so critical until it has exhausted the time available. Details such as matters of board meeting decorum, board manuals and board education, while important, may not be deemed to have the same level of concern as legalities. Discovering that Robert’s Rules of Order has not been followed to the letter may be deemed as having less consequence than missed filings which could result in your organization losing its charitable status.

To do this effectively will require a hierarchical list. But where does the list end? And more important, will the list end before all the critical items have been adequately addressed? How does the board even know if the right issues have been covered? This assumes that it even knows what the right issues are.  Should it be a board priority to make sure the snow is cleared from the front entrance of the office?  Of course not – until someone slips and hits their head on the cement and your organization is sued for millions because the victim of the fall is incapacitated for life.   Making such decisions can be quite overwhelming.

A simpler way is to reduce all the responsibilities of your board down to one sentence.

A board’s responsibility, to those on whose behalf it governs is to see that the organization achieves appropriate results for the appropriate people at an appropriate cost and that it avoids unacceptable actions and situations. Restated, a board needs to make sure what should happen, happens and what shouldn’t happen doesn’t happen.

So how can that be done? Instead of listing your board’s values and priorities hierarchically, the Policy Governance® model describes them as a series of nested mixing bowls. The largest “policy bowl” encompasses all the values and priorities.  Each additional level of detail is nested inside the largest and broadest policy.  Paraphrasing John Carver, in this way a board can keep its arms around the organization without having its fingers in it.

To operate this way, a board will need to unambiguously delegate some of its responsibilities to its CEO. Once it has clearly defined what authority has been delegated, it needs to formally monitor the CEO to ensure compliance. Of course it may choose to retain authority for certain areas and not delegate them to the CEO.  

Now that your board has wrapped its collective arms around the largest bowl containing the macro organizational expectations as well as the legal and ethical boundaries, it needs to specifically decide how detailed its expectations for results and restrictions are.

Many boards have already done this by implementing the Policy Governance® system. If your board needs help with implementation or applying Policy Governance®, please call us. We’re here to help.

You can forget about that seemingly endless list of board priorities along with the equally endless board meetings. Your board can govern with effectiveness and excellence.

Policy Governance® is an internationally registered service mark of John Carver. Registration is only to ensure accurate description of the model rather than for financial gain. The model is available free to all with no royalties or licence fees for its use. The authoritative website for Policy Governance is www.carvergovernance.com.

Ted Hull Consulting FYI

The Pros and Cons of Negative Language in Policy Governance
October 16th, 2018

What is it Worth for your Organization to Exist?
July 12th, 2018

The Challenges of the Reasonable Interpretation
May 19th, 2018

Never Have a Policy that Includes
March 9th, 2018

Church Budgets Lead to Shortsightedness
January 17th, 2018

What a Board Approves, It Owns
November 1st, 2017

Kinda Using Policy Governance
October 5th, 2017

Is Your Mission Worthwhile and How Would You Know?
September 21st, 2017

What About Term Limits For Board Members
August 9th, 2017

Why Bother Evaluating Your CEO?
June 25th, 2017

Wisely Investing My Time
May 19th, 2017

Is Policy Governance Too Big For a Small Charity?
March 26th, 2017

Why Bother With Board Education? Video
January 5th, 2017

Board Priorities and Policy Governance
December 15th, 2016

Fishtailing is for Losers
September 19th, 2016

Ditch Your Board Executive Committee
August 25th, 2016

Personal Trainers Can Be Overrated
August 12th, 2016

The Difference Between Cost and Worth
April 25th, 2016

Policy Governance and the CEO Evaluation
March 12th, 2016

Two Sides of the Value Coin
February 12th, 2016

FYI - But a Church Board is Different...so Can Carver's Policy Governance® Model Work?
October 12th, 2015

FYI - Policy Goverance Isn't the Silver Bullet for a Church Board
July 21st, 2015

FYI - The Difference Between Owners and Consumers
June 24th, 2015

FYI - A Board is Greater Than the Sum of its Parts
May 18th, 2015

FYI - Policy Governance - A Whole New Game
April 28th, 2015

FYI - The Ten Drawbacks to Policy Governance
March 10th, 2015

FYI - The Features of Policy Governance
February 18th, 2015

FYI - Five Key Words For Effective Governance
January 6th, 2015

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Winnipeg Manitoba
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  • The Pros and Cons of Negative Language in Policy Governance
October 16th, 2018
You love Policy Governance®, except for that negative language requirement. Why can’t one just tell the CEO how to do something? .....

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